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Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris

Hai!!! Udah lama pemilik blog ini gak posting sesuatu. :D
Sekarang, aku mau posting contoh dialog dalam bahasa inggris, lebih tepatnya sih drama, tapi tentang kegiatan sehari-hari gitu :)
Drama ini bercerita tentang 5 sahabat yang membicarakan liburan yang telah mereka jalani bersama.
Oke, check this out, semoga membantu yaaa :) Maaf kalau salah tenses :3

Our holiday at the beach last week

(Limya and Alya were sitting in front of the class, and then they start talking)
Limya: “Hi Alya!! How are you today??”
Alya: “I’m very fine, and you??”
Limya: “Me too. Hey, where do you come from??”
Alya: “I come from canteen. Hmm.. How do you think about our holiday in last week??”
(Suddenly, Yuriza and Aprelia coming from the school shop also sit down and say hello to her friend who was sitting.)
Yuriza and Aprelia: “Hello Alya, Hello Limya!!”
Limya and Alya: “Hello!!”
Yuriza: “What were you talking about??”
Limya: “I was talking about our holiday last week. How do you think about it??”
Yuriza: “Wow, I think our holiday was very interesting!!”

(Then, when the four of them were deep in conversation, come Rifaldi with bring a book. and sat down beside Yuriza and interrupted the conversation.)
Rifaldi: “Me too!! I think our holiday was very amazing.”
Aprelia: “Hey Aldi! What do you bring it??”
Rifaldi: “I bring a book, because I just had to borrow it from the library.”
Aprelia: “Oh. By the way, do you remember when we ride banana boat??”
Rifaldi: “Yes I do!! Especially when I fell from banana boat and it made a banana boat was upside down. It was very disgraceful.”
Alya: “Ha ha. It was very funny!! I laughed out loud to see it. Ha ha ha”
(Limya, Yuriza, and Aprelia also laughed, but Rifaldi looked little annoyed.)
Rifaldi: “Fortunately, I was wearing a life jacket. If not maybe I was drowned, because I can’t swim.”
Yuriza: “Yes, you’re right, Aldi!! Hey Aprel, do you remember when we lost??”
Aprelia: “Yes, I do!! We lost in the beach. When I tried to call Alya, not lifted. Oh, I was very worried at the time.
Yuriza: “But, fortunately, the coast guard found us and took us back to the place at first.”
Aprelia: “That’s right. But I think our holiday is very fun!”
Limya: “I agree with you, Aprel. Oh yeah, who was saved our photos at the time, and where did you save the photos?”
Alya: “Me, I saved it in my camera.”
Rifaldi: “When will you print it? I want to look the photos.”
Alya: “Hmm, I will print it at next week. I will bring it to the school”
Rifaldi: “Ok. Hey, I have an idea! How about after the exam later we go to holiday again?”
Alya: “I think it’s a good idea!!”
Yuriza and Aprelia: “Me too!!”
(Finally, the bell was ringing and Limya also reminded her friends to come into the classroom)
Limya: “I agree. By the way, the bell rang. Let’s go to our classroom.”

(And then, they got up from the their seat, and went into the classroom)


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Resensi Buku; SheKeFaRellOr

Ini juga sebenarnya tugasku waktu kelas delapan. Hehe. Bukunya hadiah dari anaknya tetangga sebelah. πŸ˜‚ Semoga bermanfaat. πŸ˜‰           1. Identitas Buku: Judul Buku                   : Kecil-Kecil Punya Karya; SheKeFaRellOr Jenis Buk u                   : Fiksi/Cerita Anak Penulis                          : Maryam Naqiyya Penerbit                        : DAR! Mizan, Bandung Bulan/Tahun terbit        : Januari 2010 Jumlah Halaman          : 100 halaman 2. Macam/Jenis Buku: Jenis buku ini adalah fiksi, karena cerita ini bersifat karangan dari ide penulis semata, dan bukan kisah nyata. 3. Sinopsis Isi Buku: Buku ini menceritakan tentang lima sekawan yang bersahabat sejak Sherina, pindah ke sekolah dasar Nurul Ilmi. Keusilan Sherina, Kejahilan Farhan, Kevin yang ceplas-ceplos, Aurora yang bijak dan dewasa, dan Aurell yang manja membuat persahabatan mereka semakin erat dan indah. Pertengkaran-pertengkaran yang ada tidak membuat persahabatan mereka rusak, malah s

Biografi Alexander Graham Bell (English)

Ini tugasku waktu kelas delapan. Hehe. Ini juga aslinya ngeringkas doang dari  wikipedia . Jadi maafin kalau misalnya masih ada grammar yang salah-salah. Kalau mau copy-paste jangan lupa cantumin sumber. Terima kasih! Alexander Graham Bell ΓΌ   Alexander Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland on March 3, 1847. The family home was at 16 South Charlotte Street, and has a stone inscription, marking it as Alexander Graham Bell's birthplace. He had two brothers: Melville James Bell and Edward Charles Bell. Both of his brothers died of tuberculosis. His father was Professor Alexander Melville Bell, and his mother was Eliza Grace. He was born in deafness. He got his middle name is "graham" when the eleventh birthday, and then renamed to "alexander graham bell". But he still called "aleck" by his friends. As a child, young Alexander displayed a natural curiosity about his world, resulting in gatheri